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Photo Contest

Religion & Beliefs

Jardin Botanique de Tunduru
Maputo, Mozambique
22 novembre – 13 décembre 2018 (prolongée jusqu’au 19 décembre)
Commissaires d’exposition : Christine Cibert & Alida Akkerman

Remise de divers prix
Exposition des quatre photographes gagnants accueillie ensuite à l’Ambassade de Hollande, puis à la Fundaçao Fernando Leite Couto, Maputo, Mozambique


For its return to Maputo, the World Press Photo Exhibition was accompanied by impressive pictures taken by Mozambican and foreign photographers living here, on the theme of Religion and Beliefs in Mozambique, a theme constantly evolving and shaping the local society.

The winning pictures have been selected on the base of technical skills, composition, communication, originality, year, best reflection of the theme, and shown passion for photography by the participants.

The jury members were:

Babette Warendorf (curator World Press Photo, from The Netherlands)
Christine Cibert (freelance art curator, from France)
Jesper Milner Henriksen (Center for Documentation and Photographic Education – CDFF, from Denmark)
Nii Obodai (photographer, from Ghana)
Nuno do Rosário (Prodata, official distributor of Canon, from Mozambique).

During the month of October 2018, photographers were invited to enter the Photography Contest, to which they responded with great enthusiasm, as 45 professionals and amateurs, including 17 women, 18 foreigners and 25 Mozambican registered, all together submitting 86 images, coming from all over the country, from Maputo to the provinces.

© Christine Cibert  tous droits réservés mentions légales